We are always looking to grow our club family. If your interested in joining please reach out to us. We are an equal opportunity organization. We don't care what you ride , just that you ride! We have an auxiliary membership for spouses/partners who don't ride their own but do ride with you. 

We also have Forgotten Souls Jr members. As a club with strong family values, we think it is important to include our children and grandchildren. Our philosophy being, get ‘em hooked on motorcycles while they’re young and they won’t have money for drugs later.

The Jr membership is a way to teach our youth members about motorcycles and the principles of the culture. A couple that are very important to us is being kind and being charitable. We firmly believe that by instilling these values and principles while they are young, we can help create strong and confident young men and women. Then they can help teach others in hopes we can leave the world a little bit better than we found it.

All  of our functions are family friendly. Bring your children, parents and grandparents if you want. With that being said, we have a spring meet-n-greet, an annual end of summer bash, a holiday banquet/dinner, and numerous get togethers throughout the year. 


We have a lot of exciting plans in the future! Come join our Club and find the family that you didn't know you needed. 


Edward "Pee Wee" Sheetz-President 

Greg "Cornbred" Kelly-Vice President 

Donnie "Goat" McKnight-Sgt. at Arms and Ashley "Trouble" Burnheimer, Auxiliary Member and Social Media Manager

Nicole "Spoilt" Kelly- Secretary/Treasurer 

Nick "Lugnut " Brown-Enforcer

Mike "Country" Fink-member


Jason "Sidekick" Adkins